some sketches. feel like drawing some characters now.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hey all. heres a selection of stuff i want to put into my portfolio. As it stands, theres a bit of design, and a lot of illustration. If anyone has pointers on what to put in/ not put in, i would love to hear it. A lot of stuff ain't done yet O_O.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
hey all. i just bought my ticket for the massive black workshop. Will be there this year! super excited, terrified, hungry bout it. Need to have my art load up to 11. I deleted Diablo 3 from computer just for this. Have no idea what to put in my portfolio right now. Thinking about doing a book on blurb and printing some business cards or something. But is it a learning thing or a promotion thing. Never been so i have no idea O_O.